Student Groups
Future Librarians for Intellectual Freedom (FLIF)
We are a group of Masters of Library and Information Studies students who are interested in promoting intellectual freedom and social responsibility. We believe that issues concerning censorship, freedom of expression, and social justice go hand-in-hand, and hope that through information updates and direct action, we will be able to emphasize the importance of intellectual freedom and social responsibility in the personal and professional lives of our readers and our communities.
For more information, please visit FLIF's website at https://flifualberta.wordpress.com/.
Partner's Week Committee (PW)
The Partners' Week Committee is a student run committee that works in consultation with a faculty liaison in the School of Library and Information Studies. The committee operates in collaboration with the School of Library and Information Studies Alumni Association (LISAA), and the School of Library and Information Studies Student Association (LISSA).
Partners' Week is held twice per year - once in the fall term and once in winter - and enables students to observe librarians and information professionals in the workplace. In the winter term, a Partners' Week reception (funded and organized by Partners in Education, LISAA, and LISSA) brings students, SLIS faculty, and information professionals together for another networking opportunity. Information professionals from various types of organizations participate in this program, including academic and public librarians, government and legal librarians, archivists, and records managers.
Partners' Week helps students to relate the theory they learn in the Library and Information Studies program to the practice of the profession. Participating information professionals have been extremely supportive of the initiative. In turn, students have found Partners' Week to be an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience and develop professional contacts.
For more information on Partners' Week, email partnerweek@gmail.com or visit the PW website at http://partnersweek.wordpress.com/.
Forum for Information Professionals Committee (FIP)
The Forum for Information Professionals is an annual one-day event of presentations and discussions on current topics facing librarianship and information professionals. The event is hosted by the students of SLIS and organized by the Forum for Information Professionals committee. FIP is an opportunity for librarians and information professionals from all parts of Alberta to exchange ideas with library students and academics. Classes are canceled during the event to allow SLIS students and faculty attend. Speakers include professional librarians, current and past students, and other information-centric professionals.
For more information about Forum for Information Professionals, please visit their website at www.fipconference.wordpress.com.
Shout For Libraries!
Shout For Libraries is an award-winning, monthly radio show on CJSR, U of A’s campus-based community radio station. Every month the Shout team creates a half hour radio show of original, library-centric news. Every episode has a theme that centres around current events, phenomena or issues relevant to librarianship and information studies. The show is written, recorded, hosted, edited, and promoted entirely by current MLIS students. Each episode is broadcast over the airwaves on 88.5 FM in Edmonton on a Friday night at 5pm every month and made available in podcast form on itunes and soundcloud.
Check it out! https://shoutforlibraries.transistor.fm/