About Us
Who are we?
The Library and Information Studies Students' Association (LISSA) represents all students enrolled in the School of Library and Information Studies' MLIS program at the University of Alberta. Students elect their own officers, with the presiding officers representing them at meetings of the School Council. LISSA acts as a liaison between students and faculty and facilitates student participation in a variety of academic, professional, and extracurricular activities. The Library and Information Studies Students' Association (LISSA) can be contacted by our email at lissa@ualberta.ca
What do we do?
The mission of LISSA is to provide for a meaningful and collaborative space in which a community of future librarians and information professionals at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta can be fostered. The objectives are to: foster and develop the community of students at SLIS; represent, promote and protect the interests of the membership; and facilitate opportunities for collaboration, exchange, and recreation.
Executive and Contact Information
The LISSA Executive meets once a month. It is composed of elected representatives from both 1st and 2nd year students. The President's position is normally held by a 2nd year student while the Vice President is normally a 1st year student. All other positions are held jointly by a 1st and 2nd year student, with the 1st year student acting as an assistant and trainee for the position. Elections for the 1st year positions are held each October. This system provides incoming students with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with LISSA and SLIS, and also creates continuity from year to year.
For more information on the positions that make up the LISSA Executive and what each position is responsible for please consult Section 2 (The Executive) of the LISSA Bylaws. Members on the current executive are listed below.
2023-2024 Executives
Communications Coordinator
Event Coordinator
Graduation Representative
GSA Representative
On-Campus Student Representative
Online Student Representative
International Student Representative
Sebastian Poon
Alyssa De'Ath
Monica Maddaford
Hasul Kim
Joan Wilson
Jintia Ross-Van Mierlo
Kylie Day
Lothian Taylor
Willow Padbury
2023-2024 Alternative Executives
Vice President
On-Campus Student Representative
Online Student Representative
Graduation Representative
GSA Representative
Caitlin Voth
Taylor Zimmerman
Megan McFarlane
Aizle Bernardo
Amy Kamel
Michael Kobewka
Elise Futoransky
How to join?
Members of LISSA are all students duly registered at SLIS and who pay a membership fee. The Members of LISSA have the following rights and privileges including: using the LISSA student lounge, participating at general meetings of the Organization, voting in the elections and referenda of LISSA, and attending events organized by LISSA.
If you are interested in joining the executive, LISSA holds a general election every year in October for first year/alternative positions.